Thursday, July 1, 2010

final phase, what now?

Sapphire stood in the dark. Something didn't feel right. She turned at a noise and shot ice in the direction. Another noise and she threw ice at it too. Her door opened and she used two hands to hit whatever it was.

"Sapphire!" her chest heaving when Shane turned on the light holding his arm. Her eyes were wide and frightened. He walked near her and she back away scrambling onto her bed to get away from him.

"Get away!" she screamed.

"Come is okay." he approached and she shot a force of wind at him. He was pushed back a ways.

"Don't hurt me!" she said flinching when he raised his arm to block the freezing air.

"I am not going to hurt you baby." she started choking him out of fear. Shane shot fire at her to break her concentration. He held his throat with one hand and created a heatwave with the other to stop her.

"You have hurt me!" she tried to create a defense but the ice was melting.

"How?" he asked.

"You are driving me crazy!" her eyes were flikering. Shane stopped his wave and came to her. She was going through phase three and it hurt him to see her in pain and confused.

"Look at me." she did and he felt her pain inside her. Her heart was hardening and soon she would be as heartless as he felt. "Shhhh....calm down...breathe. How are you feeling?" she starred at him and he heard a pleading voice. I want my memories back, I know you took them from me, I am with you, just let me remember." Shane was torn then her eyes went from orange to red and she tried to fight him off.

"My heart! My body! I am burning!" she screamed jumping up causing him to back into a door knob. He kept eye contact with her and he gave her memories back as she was calming down.