Thursday, March 4, 2010

Two Worlds Collide

Sapphire felt her muscles starting to give the more she tried to push the weights above her body. There was no one around when her arms fell and it fell onto her chest. Pain shot through her body and she screamed. Refusing to cry she tried to push it up but she had no strength left. The thirty minute weight training had gone down hill ever since she had the accident. As the bar weight began sliding down toward her neck the more she moved all of her senses went into panic mode. Before she knew it her air was cut off.

"Help!" she croaked. All of the sudden all pressure ceased and the loud clank of the weights being set back onto the holder filled her ears. Coughing proceeded as she quickly sat up.

"Are you okay?" a man squatted in front of her. Sapphire looked at him. Dark green eyes looked back into her sapphire blue ones. Her mother had named her because of her eyes.

"I think so." her voice sounded funny from the coughing but other than that she felt fine.

"What were you doing here by yourself? You could have died!"

"I am fine! I was here by myself because maybe I like being by myself!" she stood and tried to walk but the lightheaded feeling she got made her stumble right into him.

"Come on, sit down." at the sound of his voice she did as told.

"I have no one to come with." her quiet voice was like a scream to him. Ashton looked at her neck.

"Why not?" he asked.

"Because the person I used to come with died. We were coming home from his parents', we didn't see the black ice and we slammed into another car." Sapphire pulled her legs up into herself.

"I'm sorry. You guys were married?" the question came from the bright diamond on her hand.

"No, he was my brother. The ring was a present from my family for my birthday. Thanks for saving me." her eyes looked up at him again.

"No problem. I'm Ashton."

"Sapphire." she replied.

"Sapphire? That is a very strange yet beautiful name." a smile came to her face.

"Thank you."

"Can I work out with you from now on?" he asked.

"Only if you can keep up. I am here every morning from six to ten." Sapphire stood looking outside for a moment. When she looked back her eyes fell on the man's back. He was pulling his shirt over his head before revealing a birthmark shaped like a sun. "Oh my gosh..." her hand flew to her mouth.

"What is wrong?" he asked turning around to meet her eyes. They were filled with shock and horror.

"Y...y...your are...get away from me!" she backed into some of the workout equipment.

"What is it Sapphire? Are you sure you are alright?" she searched him, her eyes turning a light blue with fear. Ashton saw the change and knew who she was right away. "You fear me? Your mother feared me as well..."

"You knew my mother?" she asked.

"Yes, she was a lovely woman. We got along well for enemies, when she died I was extremely upset, but I was only sixteen at the time. Our parents hated each other..." Sapphire let anger fill her and with it came almost black eyes they were so blue.

"Your father killed my mom! How can you just stand there and talk about her as if you cared?" the question was followed by a swing of her fist, which was caught by his hand. Her power was being drained from her. "What do you want from me?" she asked.

"I want you Sapphire. I have been waiting for years to finally meet you. We are destined to be together, so do not fight me." he released her.

"I wouldn't love you if my life depended on it." the words were spat out like a bad taste.

"That can be arranged. Now continue training, I am not here to harm you. You will be my wife and why would I want to harm you?"

"Go back to..."

"Where? Go back to where Sapphire? Where is it you wish me to go?" she sat down at his remark and observed him.

"I will die before I share my life with you!"

"That can be arranged as well my love." he smiled at her seeing the star shaped mark on the back of her neck when she turned around. "I left my father a long time ago Sapphire." he said placing his hands on her shoulders.

"Let go of me. What does leaving your father have to do with anything?"

"I will let go when I choose to and because, I left him and his evil ways. Being a bad person gets you no where. Niether is being disobedient." he said forcing her back down as she tried to stand. At a sudden burst of anger he was suddenly knocked into the dumbells. When he looked at her, she was suspended in the air. Her hands were holding glowing blue balls of some sort and her eyes were glowing white. A wicked smile graced his lips.

"You will release me when I say I want to be released!" Ashton had hit a nerve and it gave the reaction he expected. He formed a red ball of his own and threw it at her. She threw hers right into the flame and watched it shatter like glass. This was an odd sight, fire and ice yet shattering as if it was solid.

Ashton watched her eyes and strength dim before she lost everything and began to fall. With easy he caught her and looked at her peacful face. As suddenly as it had began it had ended and he orbed into his own home with her in his arms. The days passed and Ashton cared for her trying to restore her powers, that he suspected she had never known she had.

"Sapphire...Sapphire..." he whispered brushing her hair out of her face.

"Five more minutes." she waved his hand away and rolled over onto her side. He could see she was exhausted still. Her skin was steaming when he set his hand on her arm. They fit perfectly, he fire, she ice. Her eyes came open and she turned to face him before jumping away right into the wall.

"Calm down. I am not going to hurt you." Her eyes were glowing her body shaking and her skin was steaming in the heat of his home.

"Where am I? What is happening to me?" she screamed out in pain as her head began to pound. He took her wrists and pulled her away from the wall as she fought for control of herself.

"Breathe...take a breath." she she screaming and jerking trying to understand the pain inside. Sapphire fell to her knees breathing heavy.

"What is wrong with me?"

"Nothing. You are descovering who you are. Just calm down." she did and her eyes faded back to the bright sapphire color and her skin became warmer. Sobs followed.

"What am I?"

"You are not a what...your DNA simply is different than others. You have a strand of DNA that has been passed down from your mother's family. You have the control of ice, well you will after you learn to contain it, just as I have the control of fire. You knew who you are before this though."

"I knew who my mother was and that I was different, but not this. This can't be happening. I don't have control over my relationships, much less an element of nature." she stood up looking at him.

"Well you will with my help."

"You are not helping me with anything! Take me home." she tried to open the door but was shocked.

"You can't open the door, it pulses and sends shock waves through you with your molecular structure. It is like dropping a hair dryer into a bath tub." Sapphire turned around with anger until she reacted the same way she had the day in the gym. He took her wrists holding her down until it passed and she stopped fighting just looking at him.

"What is wrong with me?" she asked looking up at him. He had straddled her to keep her from hurting herself or him!

"Nothing, absolutely nothing."

"I am scared." he stood picking her up and setting her in the bed.

"It will be okay. Trust me okay?" he said moving hair from her face.

"Okay." she said looking at him as he pulled the blankets up to her neck. Ashton turned to walk away but before he could react she was in front of him. With wide eyes he searched her face only to find he was pressing a kiss to her lips. He could hear the sharp intake of breath.

"" she said breaking the kiss.

"What about us?"

"It is too soon for this. I...I can't do this. Please let me go home." he held her waist noting she did not fight him.

"I can't let you go." he jerked her to himself as his eyes burned red.


"We have to stay together!" he began squeezing her tight.

"ASHTON!" she screamed. He released her and sat down.

"I'm sorry." his body shook for a little bit before looking up at her.

"Let me go home." he shook his head.

"Not until you know how to control you power."